Legal Notice
(Information in accordance with § 5 of German TMG)
Centropa – Zentrum für jüdische Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts e.V.
c/o wework
Axel-Springer-Platz 3
20355 Hamburg
Represented by:
Fabian Rühle, Chairman
Telephone: +49 (0) 176 45751975
E-Mail: germanyoffice(at)
Entered in the register of associations in Germany:
Register Number: VR 23236
Register Court: Amtsgericht Hamburg
Responsible for content:
Person responsible for content in accordance with § 55 Abs. 2 German RStV:
Fabian Rühle | Centropa
Web Editors: Ninja Stehr | Centropa
Special thanks to:
Petro Dolhanov (NGO Mnemonics), Dr. Diana Dumitru | historical advisor (Ion Creang State Pedagogical University in Chisinau), Jessica Bush | Centropa, assisting editor (University of Toronto) | Anzhela Karimova (Chernivtsi)
Design and development:
Design & Web Development: Alexander von Freeden |
Copyright/Photo Credits:
The copyrights of the photos used were researched and stated to the best
of our knowledge and belief at the time the website was created. If we
have unknowingly violated the authorship, please let us know at:
Featured images without copyright caption belong to Christian Hahn.